It’s All About Love



It’s All About Love

It's all About Love - God's Love

A Poem by Marsha Williams


Into natural exile we are first born

Spiritually barren, futile, forlorn

In a place where we know not God’s mercy or love

Cannot call on His name or seek Him above

But it’s all about love – God’s love


So a people He marks out and calls to Himself

As His possession, His treasure, His peculiar wealth

For God, Who is Love, seeks love in return

Though while in our exile, His love we spurn

Still, this is all about love – God’s love


And this incredible love draws us ever so near

Speaks to our hearts and opens our ears

This love that’s so pure, so true, so tender

Causes our hearts to Him surrender

You see, this is all about love – God’s love


In idolatrous lands and deserted spaces

Streams of His love flow into all places

To the Jew and Gentile, to the slave and free

He will call out a people and say, “Ammi”

Because, this is all about love—God’s love