Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and held on May 30th in the United States about two years after the end of the Civil War. It’s beginning is credited to General John A. Logan who called for a national day to be set aside for placing flowers and...
Speak a Word
Today I learned that a friend I hadn’t heard from for a while was suffering from a serious condition. And later when I was at church, prayer was made for those suffering from cancer. There seems to be a lot of illness and associated depression that people in my...
Honoring God as Father
© Marsha Williams It is not enough today Nor shall it ever be But let our voices sound aloud In acknowledgment of Thee May Your children bring You glory And all creation sing Your praise With hearts bowed down before You May we honor the Ancient...
A Waltz Divine – The Trinity
© Marsha Williams A Waltz Divine Once upon a time in a far-away land. God, the Father, created a plan. The plan: to send to Earth His Son, The Salvation of man. I’ll call this step one. The Son, our Savior, implemented the plan And came to Earth in...